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adc kids Wonderland auckland dance compa
Wonderland1 dance classes kids movement

8-Week Courses
Start Date: February 2024
Ponsonby/Kingsland, Auckland

learn to dance auckland dance classes ki

  TERM 1 
Kids classes at Ponsonby Primary

Kids classes are back!
Catering for all levels and age groups
6yrs + come and learn in a supportive, exciting and fun-filled class, with other like-minded, kids, teens & pre-teens alike. Registering interest for all Hip-hop,  Gymnastics, Ballet, Dance Fusion and Musical Theatre. 
Email now for more info.

Wonderland1 - adc kids class auckland da
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Auckland Dance Company Dance Classes lea


Our beautiful ballet dancer Christine (hailing all the way from Ireland) will be leading the charge for our kids ballet classes - learning technique to gorgeous music, and in a fun uplifting environment.

Optional - working towards our annual shows, a school tour, or just for fun!


Thursdays afterschool 

6yrs +, All Levels Welcome.


Registrations being taken now

Email Nic 💌 for more details and to secure a spot.

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Enter your kids into the brilliant world of ADC- Hiphop and Dance Fusion with gymnastic elements to help you kids come alive, learn a new skill, get back into their bodies and off those devices - meeting a vibrant, active community of kids!


Registrations of interest being taken now

Thursdays afterschool

6yrs +, All Levels Welcome.


Email Nic 💌 for details and to secure your spot!

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